Project management and sustainability

How to monitor and control sustainability aspect of the project ?

DefinitionGround Rules that support a Sustainability project culture

Project ground rules must be established during initiation or shortly thereafter to ensure the incorporation of sustainability thinking into the daily habits and activities of the project management and the project management team.

ExampleExamples of ground rules integrate in project management

  1. Electronic distribution of all project materials is the default method; paper copies are only provided on request,

  2. Virtual attendance and work in encouraged to minimize travel and reduce carbon footprint, central locations for meeting are chosen,

  3. Recyclable and/or reusable office containers (...) are requires for team meetings,

  4. All end product resources used by for prototyping and trials are reused and/or recycle with zero waste,

  5. All the resources used by the team are from renewable sources,

  6. All electronic charger s will be unplugged when not required to charge an electronic device,

  7. Screensavers are not used,

  8. PCs will be turn off when not it use (after work hours or WE or holidays),

  9. Office lights will not be used when staff are not in the room, during night and the WE,

  10. ...

FundamentalMonitoring and controlling in project management :

  • Project Quality Management

  • Project Human Resources Management

  • Project Communication Management

  • Project Procurement Management

1- Project quality management

Quality standards will be used in the development of a base line and as the basis for monitoring and controlling.

Sustainability must be defined within the organizational quality standard.

The management plan will establish thresholds for sustainability quality measurements to help in managing corrective and preventive changes for the project.

2- Project Human Resources Management

The sustainability roles and responsibility for each project team member must be defined and tied to performance metrics used in the project community.

Sustainability requirements must be developed in the human resource plans.

3- Project Communication Management

Build sustainability and responsabilities into the communication plan.

Give everyone something to manage and contribute to.

Standards (ISO 14000) can be used to help develop the reporting requirements along with roles and responsability for monitoring and controlling the information flows.

4-  Project Procurement Management

Sustainability planning scope must'nt be compromised in procurement. The project manager and project management team must ensure proper management and oversight from beginning to end of the project life cycle.

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